In September last year, I joined Vibrance Partners, a start-up consultancy led by two former McKinsey & Co partners.
It felt like I jumped onto a moving train.
Meeting new people, working in a different way, client-facing, remembering names and acronyms, working with colleagues who'd been working together for years. All this whilst working from home, during a Covid lockdown with home-schooling kids.
There was a lot coming at me. At times I felt I wasn't picking up things quickly enough, or not at all. Everyone around me knew what they were doing. Me, at times, not so much. It felt like I was coming down from a career high at my previous employer, Optus.
My confidence was low. I knew nothing at all; waiting to be found out.
(insert sad emoji here...)
I knew I suffered from Impostor Syndrome.
It's common. Apparently, 70% of us have experienced it at some stage.
How did I move beyond it?
Knowing what it was, was a good start. I also shared my insecurities with the team, who were very supportive. I spoke with friends and mentors, who reminded me that it comes with the territory. Starting a new job comes with the desire to make a good impression and to fit in. I also reviewed past achievements, and realised how far I'd come.
I'd even say that Impostor Syndrome has perhaps been a good thing for me.
It shows that you possess a certain level of humility, that you are mindful, and strive for the best. Just don't let it overwhelm you.
It made me decide to eventually write this post. Perhaps it's of use to you. If you want to have a chat, or share experiences, please feel free to reach out to me.
I liked this article, which provides a lot more details and some handy tips to overcome.
By the way, in case you wondered, 'imposter' and 'impostor' can both be used, however the latter is preferred by linguists.