Feedback is crucial to help teams grow and advance. It improves accountability & effectiveness; and avoids miscommunication.
OBSERVATION: Be objective and direct in describing the concrete observation. “I noticed that...”. Don’t describe character traits, don’t judge or blame. Be respectful.
IMPACT: Honestly and subjectively explain the impact it had on you. “I feel…”. Avoid arguing or defencing.
LISTEN: Pause, and listen for clarifying questions. Ask for input, probe for understanding. “What do you think…”. Acknowledge the other's view, and consider whether your feedback is still valid.
SUGGESTION: Make an encouraging, relevant suggestion or request. “I suggest that…, what do you think?”
Tips on providing feedback effectively?
Prepare! Be clear about what you want. Find a suitable time/place to ensure you're both ready (I like the 'Walk & Talk'). Don’t wait too long, sooner is better. 1-on-1 is best. Read body language. Be careful in your choice of words; use positive, future & solution focussed language.
'Feed forward'
I prefer to use this term over ' Feedback' as to highlight that the conversations only intend towards moving on instead of holding on to the past.
‘Constructive criticism’ is an oxymoron! It will be taken personally and make people defensive. It focusses on the past, rather than a better future.
Source: OILS might have originated from McKinsey but I couldn’t find any specific references.
This post was first published here.