Johari’s Window helps people better understand their relationship with themselves and others. It encourages self-awareness & development, and enhances communication within a group.
It was created by psychologists Luft & Ingham in 1955, who creatively named their model using a combo of their first names.
The idea is that trust can be acquired by revealing information about you to others and learning yourselves from their feedbacks.
How do you use Johari's Window?
Pick a number of adjectives from a list, choosing ones you feel describe your personality. Let your peers pick an equal number that they feel describes you. Then place these adjectives into a 2-by-2 grid of 4 cells.
Each cell signifies personal info and whether it’s known/unknown to oneself or others in 4 viewpoints:
Open/self-area: attitudes, behaviour, emotions, feelings, skills & views known by both you and others
Blind self: Known to others, but unaware to you
Hidden area: Info kept from others
Unknown: to self and others
Aim to grow the Open area through mutual trust achieved by socializing and feedback.
The list of adjectives:

This article was published here.