In my previous post on MVP, I introduced the concept of Discoveries.

A Discovery is an intensive research period, which could consist of various cycles, undertaken at the start of a project, often by a mix of team members, stakeholders & multidisciplinary experts.
The aim is to validate that the planned initiative is Desirable, (solves a user’s problem); that it is Viable (delivers business benefits), and is Feasible (can be realistically/ technically built). DVF originates from Design Thinking.
Validation & Prioritisation are key
When you know the user’s challenges, needs and wants, you gain insights into what aspects of the problem you’ll need to validate with research and prioritise. Quick learning and validation are key. Jeff Patton refers to this as ‘small bets’. At each stage be prepared to kill off ideas, decide on more research, or if you found the sweet spot, decide to build the thing.
Documentation is produced to capture all key findings along with any follow-up actions. These artefacts help alignment around a shared vision, and highlight Risks, Assumptions, Issues & Dependencies (RAID).
It doesn't need to be a phase; it can continue all the way to delivery. As such, don't put a time limit on it, although the majority of effort will be at the start.
This post first appeared here, and used information from and Jeff Patton.